Vampiro Thing
Vampiro Clan

Foi criado por Ancestrais dos vampiros 09.06.2012 às 02:21:52
Descrição do personagem
Total da pilhagem: 50.141,80 Litro de sangue
Vítimas mordidas (link): 0
Combates: 312
Vencidos: 157
Derrotas: 154
Empates 1
Ouro ganho: ~ 4.000,00 Ouro
Ouro perdido: ~ 4.000,00 Ouro
Danos causados: 16893
Danos sofridos: 42330.34
Atributos de Thing:
Nível do personagem: Nível 18
Força: (43)
Defesa: (35)
Agilidade: (40)
Resistência: (35)
Habilidade: (16)
Experiência: (1579|1620)
As estatísticas da página ancestral Thing
Desafios tentados: 0
Desafios bem sucedidos: 0
Desafios perdidos: 0
Dados do perfil
Sexo: masculino
Idade: 20-25 Ano
Localidade: ---
Número ICQ: ---
MSN Messenger: ---
Yahoo: ---
Nome AIM: ---
Jabber ---
Skype ---
Adolescência - Much vital knowledge is accrued in your forming years.<br />When you venture out into the dark on your nocturnal manhunts, it is a wise idea to make use of the knowledge you accumulated during adolescence, whether it stems from parental advice or the school of hard knocks. The abilities learned will accompany you your life long… Construtor de cabanas - Even the most humble hut can shine. You have begun your search for the perfect dwelling and this building will at least keep you dry when it rains… Construtor civil - Your home is growing and your garden is thriving… The reinforced walls offer a certain protection against your enemies and can improve your defences. Colecionador de troféus de caça - Foragers of the world unite! It is remarkable what one can find during nightly expeditions through town and country, but what should one do with all that STUFF?! It would be good to have a collection centre for looted items. Evolução 2 - Best wishes. Now that you have reached level 10 you must be snugly settled in.

Thing Ainda não atingiu um ranking especial na arena.

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